👩‍⚕️ Clarity Health Fund
Announcing Our First Microgrant Recipients to Advance Psychedelic Therapy

Updated: June 6 2019 Clarity Health Fund has awarded 7x $1,000 USD microgrants so far as of the end of May 2019. Here’s some quick info on those recipients and what made us excited about giving them each a microgrant! We haven’t yet finalized our macro-grants, though we’re close. Listed in alphabetical order: Carl-Cyril: Drug Checking Day Drug checking day is an online event that encourages people to test their substances.

Get a $1,000 Microgrant to Work on a Psychedelic Therapy Project

Who: Anyone who wants to help the legal availability and societal acceptance of guided therapeutic psychedelic experiences. We’d like to give grants to fast learning, determined, high integrity people. These grants are for individuals only, not organizations. What: Get a $1,000 microgrant. Why: It’s really hard to get non-profit funding without having an existing organizations. Once you have a developed organizations, it’s still hard to get donations, but it’s still easier compared to the earliest stages.

March 2019 Update: Apply Now for a Grant to Help Legalize Psychedelic Therapy

Nominations and applications are now open for the first Clarity Health Fund batch. We’re seeking nominations and applications from groups that can help the legal avilability and societal acceptance of psychedelic therapy. Please spread the word! And apply here. Applications for larger grants this round are due by 3pm PT on April 1. We’re excited to introduce an experimental program where we’re giving out $1,000 USD grants to people working on legal projects, research, websites, videos etc that could be impactful for legalizing psychedelic therapy!

Feeling the holiday spirit and giving away cryptocurrency (10,500 ETH / $1mm USD) to legalize psychedelic therapy! Introducing Clarity Health Fund 🎁👩‍⚕️

Made possible by cryptocurrency. 10,500 ETH ($1mm USD) for a future where safe psychedelic therapy is convenient and legal. Psychedelic therapy has massive potential. So we’re announcing a new 10,500 ETH ($1mm USD) philanthropic project working on the goal of safe, beneficial, convenient and legal psychedelic therapy. Clarity Health Fund provides fellowships and early stage funding to non-profits, entrepreneurs and psychedelic researchers. We are the Clarity Health Fund. Tl;dr - Psychedelic therapy can help people, drug policy should be based on health not criminalization, psychedelics might help problem solving.

Work in the Field

Want to work in this field? Fill out the application below, and we’ll make your information available to groups we fund and other entities we know in this space. --