👩‍⚕️ Clarity Health Fund

Feel free to contact us.


Apply to Clarity Health Fund Clarity Health Fund is accepting applications from psychedelic-related organizations and people who’ll soon start an organization in the space. Interested in co-sponsoring our future rounds of microgrants or grants? Contact us. Update: Announcing our first microgrant recipients. Reasons to Not Apply You’re likely to invest time into an application that doesn’t get funded. We’re saying no to most applicants. It’s possible we’ll have grant rounds where we say no to all applicants.

Funders - Finding Exciting Funding Opportunities

If you want to find and fund good non-profit drug policy and psychedelic projects, you may want to fill out our form to join our syndicate. We’ll share the best projects we discover with you. You might’ve gotten into drug policy/psychedelic project funding because of your friends or people you admire. Or you might just have a deep personal interest. Or you may feel it’s necessary to protect your loved ones - and the world.

Things That Would be Helpful To Us

If you’d like to do us a favor, we really appreciate it and the things we list on this page would be helpful to us. Tell a person, author or community about us. Especially if they may know lots of people who may want to apply Get a smart and determined friend to apply, even if they don’t have a project and weren’t considering working in this space full-time.


If you’re working in the space, we hope that these resources help you find success in your efforts. If you’re already working on something and would like our resources on tactics (primarily around “how to be influential with messaging”) then feel free to contact us and tell us what you’re working on. Evidence all-drug decriminalization is possible today http://www.drugpolicy.org/news/2016/02/poll-maine-voters-oppose-attorney-generals-punitive-drug-policies-support-decriminalizi http://www.drugpolicy.org/news/2014/04/new-pew-poll-confirms-americans-ready-end-war-drugs http://www.drugpolicy.org/news/2016/02/poll-south-carolina-primary-voters-support-ending-mass-incarceration-decriminalizing-dr Reasons why all-drug decrim is beneficial http://www.